Happy 11th birthday Camden GodfreyIt’s been another crazy year, filled with some very high highs, and sadly a couple of low lows. But as always, the good outweighs the bad…Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
Happy 12th Birthday Colton GodfreyA dozen years and still going strong! This year, like any other, has been filled with ups and downs. But like every other year in your…Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
Happy 10th Birthday Camden GodfreyDouble digits! What a milestone — for you AND me! Seems like only yesterday you were this tiny dude with goofy hair, stumbling around and…Jun 10, 2023Jun 10, 2023
Happy 7th Birthday Clara GodfreyI’ve probably made this comment in a previous post, but it’s amazing how someone can complain constantly about how bored she is while…Mar 31, 2023Mar 31, 2023
Happy 11th birthday Colton GodfreyAnother year has gone by. And like those that came before, you certainly made the most of it. How best to commemorate such an epic year…Aug 22, 2022Aug 22, 2022
Happy 9th birthday Camden GodfreyAnother year, another birthday. 9 years. 3,287 days and counting. And with each new day, a new adventure. I’m not sure how you manage to…Jun 10, 2022Jun 10, 2022
Happy 6th birthday Clara GodfreyWe’re 2+ years into this whole global pandemic thing. Fully 1/3 of your life! Remember what life was like before? Me neither. But here are…Mar 31, 2022Mar 31, 2022
Happy 10th Birthday Colton GodfreySomehow an entire decade has passed since you were born. 10 years!! Despite covid, there were some pretty awesome moments over the past 12…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021